meade lx200 vs lx90

Meade lx200 vs lx90- Which One Is Better?


When it comes to astronomy, meade is one of the top brands. Both meade lx200 & lx90 are the best choices for telescopes. Therefore, it can get tough choosing the right one for you.

So, which one’s better between meade lx200 vs lx90?

Well, both lx200 and lx90 have some significant differences. For example, lx200 will offer you superior optical quality. Moreover, you will also get a wide range of magnification in lx200. But the one with a lighter weight is lx90. Not only that but the lx90 would also be convenient with the price range.

That was the sneak peek. To know more about them read along with us till the end.

Without any further due, let’s get started!

Meade lx200 vs lx90: Fundamental Differences

Before we head towards the detailed comparison, let’s show you some surface ideas. This way you’ll get a basic idea about the difference in their features. 

For example, there are significant dissimilarities between pvs7 and pvs14 binoculars. These differences need to be known before you buy one.

Anyway, let’s focus on this table that shows a short comparison of meade lx200 vs lx90-

Features Meade lx200 Meade lx90
Magnification Advanced Good
Optical Quality Superior Good
Weight Heavy Light
Price range Expensive Cheaper

Now, you have an overall idea about what features we’re gonna discuss below.

Meade lx200 vs lx90: Head to Head Comparison

The basic differences may have given you an idea. But it’s merely enough to make the choice. Hence, we’ve brought you the details right here. So, let’s see the comparison in detail below-


Magnification shows a telescope’s amount of power to enlarge the subject. It’s measured by the division of the telescope’s focal length and the eyepiece’s focal length. Apparently, the more magnification power, the more powerful a telescope is. 

Both of these telescopes are built with individually powerful eyepieces. Just how both cassegrain and newtonian telescopes have good eyepieces. Yet you can always interchange external eyepieces and it’ll increase the magnification power.

A meade 10” lx90 telescope provides a 2500mm range of focal length. It measures up to f/10 focal ratio. This focal length leads to its highest power of magnification to 500x. 

On the other side, meade 10” lx200 telescope also provides 2500mm of focal length. But this telescope’s focal ratio is f/9.8. This makes the telescope more powerful. An lx200 scope’s magnification power is 508x which is slightly higher than the lx90.

Winner: Magnification power-wise lx200 wins.

Optical Quality

Before buying and using an meade telescope, you should ensure it has good optical quality. Otherwise, you’ll be just wasting money.

Now, optical quality is usually obtained by dividing the focal length by the aperture. In truth, these two telescopes have a lot in common when it comes to optics. 

Scientists brought the ACF (Advanced Coma-Free) optical technology to both lx200 & lx90 telescopes. Meade 14” f/10 lx200- ACF telescope has this advanced technology into it. This powerful lens has a capacity of 32” OTA length. 

Meanwhile, lx90 telescopes are also being upgraded. This model is now upgraded to the lx90-ACF version. But if you use a top-quality eyepiece, it’ll increase the telescope’s optical range. Yet this meade version needs more improvement. 

Winner: Lx200 wins as its optical power is superior.


When it comes to telescopes, the larger the focal length, the more the weight of the device. 

So, lx200 is the heavier version. As it holds some upgraded electronics, lx200 becomes heavier than lx90. 

Lx200 comes with three different variants and their weight chart is described below-

Meade Instruments 1210-90-03 LX90-ACF 12-Inch 
Meade Instruments 0810-90-03 LX90-ACF 8-Inch
Meade Instruments 1010-60-03 LX200-ACF 10-Inch
12″ 125lbs

Also, as lx200 is a heavier one, it requires a strong tripod. Or else, your telescope will shake while moving its angle with the subject. 

So, we have prepared a list of tripods that are quite famous among astronomers. These are-

Product 01
Product 02
Product 03

Contradictorily, the lx90 is lighter than the other model. This lx90 model is also available on three different aperture levels. The weight of each of them are-

Aperture of Lx90 Weight
8” 33lbs
10” 50lbs
12” 60lbs

Winner: Weight-wise lx90 wins this segment. 

Price Range

The brand meade offers both expensive and comparatively cheaper telescopes. 

The lx200 is an older version telescope that also offers some extra facilities. Many astronomers prefer the lx200 for its upgraded electronics. 

Because this helps to achieve more accurate and better astrophotography. This model will cost you around $3000-$5000 depending on its aperture level.

Meade built the lx90 series around the year 2000. This model is way cheaper than the lx200 version. You can get this model by spending around $1700-$3000.

Winner: Lx90 wins the round as it’s cheaper

Final Verdict

Lastly, we can clearly see both of the telescopes are individually powerful in their own way. So, which one to buy? 

Well, let us give you a final push!

If you’re about to begin your astronomy journey, you should start with meade lx90. It’s budget-friendly. Plus it captures sharp and colorful astrographs. Moreover, it’s lightweight and easily portable. 

Whereas, meade lx200 is way more expensive. But it’s highly recommendable if you’re a professional. This is because of Its highly strong magnification power and optical range. 

However, you should use both of these telescopes at least once. Then you can effortlessly choose what’s best for you.


Question: What’s the biggest Meade telescope?

Answer: Without any doubt, the meade lx200-ACF is the biggest telescope of all time. This telescope holds a comprehensive new optical system. It provides the field-proven mechanical features of their original model meade lx200. 

Question: What can you see with a Meade telescope?

Answer: Galaxies, bright nebulae, the Moon, planets- all these mesmerizing objects can be visible through Meade telescopes. Moreover, you can view the Sun as well by using the correct filters.

Question: Which is better: a refractor or a reflector telescope?

Answer: If you’re a beginner and interested in brighter-celestial objects then choose a reflector telescope. Contradictorily, if your motive is astrophotography, go with the refractor one. It helps to capture deep space objects like galaxies and nebulae.

Final Words

Well, that was our take on the difference between meade lx200 vs lx90! We believe the information we’ve provided is quite helpful to evaluate the products.

However, keep in mind that your opinion can always be different from ours.

Best wishes!

Meade Instruments 1010-60-03 LX200-ACF 10-Inch (f/10) 145K object Database Advanced Coma-Free Telescope with Autostar II Hand Controller

as of October 22, 2024 9:32 am

Meade Instruments 1210-90-03 LX90-ACF 12-Inch (f/10) Advanced Coma-Free Telescope

as of October 22, 2024 9:32 am

Meade Instruments 0810-90-03 LX90-ACF 8-Inch (f/10) Advanced Coma-Free Telescope

as of October 22, 2024 9:32 am

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