celestron nexstar evolution 8 vs 8 hd

Celestron NexStar Evolution 8 Vs 8 HD: End Your Confusion


It’s difficult to choose between NexStar evolution 8 and 8 HD telescopes. Both types of telescopes, however, have their advantages and disadvantages.

So, which one should you choose: Celestron NexStar Evolution 8 Vs 8 HD?

Celestron Nexstar Evolution 8 is more user-friendly and it costs less. But it has fewer features compared to Nexstar Evolution 8 HD. Which has better astroimaging, optical tubes, and more upgrades. If you’re looking for a telescope that’s budget-friendly, then you should go for Evolution 8. If you want a more upgraded one with better features, Evo 8 HD is the one. 

However, if you’re still wondering which one you should buy, it’s okay. We got you! We have answered all your questions. 

Let’s get into this! 

Evolution 8 Vs 8 HD: Quick Comparison

We’ve set up a table for you comparing all the features, in case you’re in a rush. We believe this will help you to make your choice-

Feature Evolution 8 Evolution 8 HD
Astroimaging  Poor Better
User friendly  More Less
Starsense Autoalign No Yes
Optical Tube No  Yes

If this wasn’t enough to quench your thirst, then we have a better option for you. Follow us to the end for a detailed comparison to the next segment-

Evolution 8 vs 8 HD: Comparing The Features 

The NexStar Evolution is the world’s first Schmidt-Cassegrain telescope to feature built-in WiFi. You can browse all the top celestial objects with only a tap on your device.

The NexStar Evolution is an innovative tiny, portable, and mechanically sound telescope. It’s designed for hours of intense visual observing and certain sorts of astroimaging. You can also get the best eyepiece for the telescope.

Now, let’s take a look at the features that help them stand out-

User Friendly

NexStar Evolution is the most user-friendly telescope ever. Thanks to years of consumer feedback from Celestron engineers. It has several functions that work together to give you the best nocturnal experience possible.

It’s not essential to use batteries or an external power supply. For the first time on a consumer telescope, the NexStar Evolution has its own built-in battery. For this lithium-iron-phosphate battery, you can enjoy stargazing marathons for up to 10 hours on a single charge.

You can even use the USB charging connector on the NexStar Evolution to keep other devices in your life powered up while you’re monitoring. 

Astroimaging Tracking 

If you’re new to astroimaging, the 8-inch NexStar Evolution is a terrific place to start. It’s the only telescope in its price range featuring brass worm gears and upgraded motors. 

The tracking precision of the NexStar Evolution is really good. You can use it to photograph deep-sky phenomena like the Orion Nebula with your DSLR camera attached. There is also a Nebula filter for that. 

You can use the HD Pro Wedge to get longer exposures for more detailed astrophotos as your astroimaging passion progresses. NexStar Evolution and the CPC tripod are compatible when used with the wedge.

StarSense Autoalign 

StarSense AutoAlign lets you make the most of your time outside. This autoalign comes in the Skyportal app. It allows you to spend more time observing rather than aligning your telescope. 

The specific location of the telescope, the date, and the current time are all calculated automatically by this program. Only by looking up at the night sky and observing the star patterns can you figure out what’s going on. However, there can be some problems with the Skyportal app.

When you combine StarSense AutoAlign with the Evolution mount, you gain ease of use and even more functionality.

8 EdgeHD Optical Tube

EdgeHD is a flat-field Schmidt optical system using aplanatic optics. This produces images with no aberrations throughout a large visual and photographic field of vision.

The optical system only affects off-axis star coma. This also results in a flat focus plane that is astrograph-quality all the way to the field’s boundary.

The focal plane produced by EdgeHD optics is more than three times flatter than that of a standard Schmidt-Cassegrain.

And it’s significantly flatter than rival coma-free designs. Across full-frame sensors, this ensures visibly sharp stars.

Visual Use

For those interested in learning more about astroimaging, NexStar Evolution 8 HD is a great choice. It’s the only fork-mounted telescope with this price range. That too with brass worm gears and upgraded motors for pinpoint tracking. 

As your astroimaging skills improve, use the Wedge for NexStar Evolution to convert your alt-azimuth mount to an equatorial arrangement.

Longer exposures for more detailed astrophotos can be achieved with this addon. In addition, the NexStar Evolution mount has features. You can add the optional EdgeHD reduction lens to drop your focal ratio down to f/7. Ultimately increasing your field of view without sacrificing performance.

In case you were planning to buy one, here are some recommended lenses for you- 

Product 1
Product 2

Evolution 8 Vs 8 HD: The Final Take

The StarSense AutoAlign, EdgeHD optics, integrated WiFi, and internal LiFePO4 battery make the NexStar Evolution HD bundle stand out.

If you want a user-friendly telescope, the Celestron Nexstar Evo 8 is the one you should buy. It’s very less complicated and also costs less. But if you’re someone who wants more features, you definitely should go for 8 Edge HD. It’s handier and will give you more upgraded features. 


Question: Can the flag on the moon be seen with a telescope? 

Answer: The flag is still on the moon, but it can’t be seen without a telescope. The diameter of the Hubble Space Telescope is 2.4 meters, which is far too tiny. The larger lunar rover (with a length of 3.1 meters) would still require a 75-meter-diameter telescope to resolve.

Question: How to get Celestron Evolution upgraded?

Answer: Once CFM is open, click Nexstar + in the top left corner, then select your mount type (either AZ or EQ). After you’ve chosen your mount type, go to Seek devices and update. After that, the mount will start updating. The bootloader error warning will disappear once the update is finished.

Question: Can you take pictures with telescopes? 

Answer: Yes! You can take images of the Moon and larger planets like Jupiter through the eyepiece of a manual telescope. Many people utilize smartphone telescope adapters in conjunction with a low-cost telescope. It’ll be their first time photographing the moon.


This was everything we have about Celestron Nexstar evolution 8 vs 8 HD. We hope this clarified everything for you. 

You should now know which binocular to get for yourself. You can, however, remain in the back and inquire if you have any further questions or concerns.

Until next time!

Celestron - NexStar Evolution 8 WiFi Enabled Computerized Telescope - 8” Schmidt-Cassegrain Telescope SCT - Control via Smartphone App - 10-Hour Lithium Battery - iPhone and Android Compatible

as of July 26, 2024 2:45 pm

EdgeHD 8" Optical Tube Assembly (CGE Dovetail)

as of July 26, 2024 2:45 pm

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